
How can I update my name, email address, phone number or residential address?

Name changes

If you have already passed our verification process and have legally changed your name, please provide supporting evidence to prove that you have legally changed your name.

If you have not passed our verification process and wish to change the name on your account, please provide an explanation for why the name on your account needs to be changed.

Email address changes

Unfortunately, we are unable to change your email address as it is your unique identifier in our system. If you no longer have access to your email address, please register a new account under your new email address.

Phone number changes

Unfortunately, we are unable to change your phone numbers as it is your unique identifier in our system. If you no longer have access to your phone number, please register a new account under your new phone number.

Residential address changes

Unfortunately, we are unable to change your residence address at this time. If your residence address is incorrect, please register a new account under a new email address.

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